November 22nd 2022

As the weather turns colder, condensation and mould can form more easily.
Damp and mould in the home can be a health hazard, causing respiratory problems and exacerbating allergies. Making sure your home is free of mould and damp is not only important for your health, but it is also your responsibility as a tenant.
Preventing damp and mould is much easier than you might think by following these simple tips:
- Open windows regularly to make sure your property is well ventilated.
- Having the heating on low can help avoid cold spots, dry out damp and reduce the chance of getting mould.
- Keep bathroom and kitchen doors closed when having a bath or shower or cooking.
- If you have an extractor fan in the bathroom or kitchen, always make sure they are running when having a bath or shower or cooking. If you don’t have extractor fans, open a window to allow the moisture to escape.
- Don’t dry clothes on radiators – instead, dry clothes on a clothes airer in a well-ventilated room with the window open or a de-humidifier.
- Use a dehumidifier or damp trap to take the moisture out of the air, especially if you dry clothes indoors. You can buy inexpensive ones from local hardwear stores or online.
- Cleaning away condensation from windows and frames every day will minimise the spread of black mould.
- Avoid pushing furniture against walls or over filling wardrobes as this can cause mould to grow and spread.
Please read the heathy home guide attached which explains in further detail how some everyday habits contribute to damp indoors and offers simple solutions to minimise and deal with small damp and mould issues.
Should the problem persist, please report the usual way using the online reporting system.
Condensation – Healthy Homes booklet